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Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is  success.

— Edward Everett Hale
Coming together.
Throughout its nearly 45-year history,  Welsh Hills School has made it a priority to provide opportunities for our community to come together. This tradition continues, most recently with our Morning Muffins event, bringing friends and families together with our students for a community breakfast. Events such as these build friendships, help form new connections, and strengthen our bonds of shared experiences. These community gatherings bring so much joy into our school; the smiles on everyone’s faces are wonderful to see!

Keeping together.
This year marks an exciting milestone for Welsh Hills School — our 30th Annual Continent Study! This incredible educational experience facilitates our students’ growth into “compassionate, responsible individuals who are respectful global citizens.” While we, unfortunately, can’t take a field trip to experience Australia, Oceania, or Antarctica in person, we can bring the world to our students! Recently, we welcomed a parent who lived in New Zealand before moving to Ohio. She shared the beauty of the place, the people, and the culture  — even leading us in a native language song! Thanks in part to the wealth of knowledge and experience of our community members, we are keeping together the tradition of the WHS Continent Study.

Working together.
The idea of collaboration, people working together in harmony, is named as one of our school’s values. Focusing on the “whole child” during each student’s educational journey at WHS includes intentional guidance and instruction in learning how to work with others. Collaboration with our various constituents is also key to the continued success of our school. We invite you to continue (or join) our efforts. Please consider a gift to our Working Together Annual Fund Campaign. By working together, we can continue to build community and resources to ensure our success for many years to come.

By contributing to the Welsh Hills Annual Fund, you support programming for all students, professional development and compensation for the hard work of the faculty, and care for our well-loved facilities. Your particip
ation is critical to helping us bridge the gap between tuition revenue and operating expenses.

To support our Annual Fund Campaign,
please donate here or text Dragons to 53-555.

Thank you for investing in independent education!

elli Drumm
Head of School
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©2025 Welsh Hills School


2610 Newark-Granville Road

Granville, Ohio 43023



740.920.4326 fax


Non-discrimination policy:
Welsh Hills School does not discriminate in recruitment, admissions, employment, or other matters on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, age, gender, religion, sexual identity, disability, national origin, or socio-economic status. Decisions will be based on the availability of openings and other relevant information.

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